Deccan Room
Dean group at Centro de Letras e Artes da UFRJ.
This multidisciplinary project aims at recasting of dean group from the Centre of Arts and Letters at Univrsidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (CLA-UFRJ). The origin of the present proposal is linked to the need for renewal and reorganisation of space in view of new needs of dean group of CLA-UFRJ. The physical space of little more than 170 sqm provides for the layout reformulation, counting with space for dean group´s room, meeting room, area for the education sector, area for the secretariat and superintendency, as well as reception, next to the entrance. The meeting room still has space for the possibility of projections and, to add, there is the original design of a closet with four (04) occupied niches with symbols representing each of the units belonging to CLA, that is to say, the Faculty of architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Letters, the School of Fine Arts and the Music School.The viability of this project led to collaboration with several units of UFRJ, generating a most ambitious project, which won a didactic-pedagogic aspect by binding the disciplines of graduation of these units, engaging teachers and students of these units in drafting and detailing of the architectural project, thus opening an unprecedented possibility of contact with their professional practice, not through a simulation but through an active participation in all stages of a breath project.
- Project Year: 03/2009 a 11/2010
- Client: CLA
-Project Category : Renovation /Furniture
- Supervisors: Guilherme Carlos Lassance dos Santos Abreu (DPA–FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Ivan Herszterg (DEE–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Marc. Silvio Muniz de Oliveira Filho (CLA). Patricia Figueira Lassance dos Santos Abreu (DPUR–FAU–CLA–UFRJ)
- Students: André de Moura Suarez (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Ana Eliza Andrade Medeiros (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Diego Marques dos Santos Ramos (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Joyce Fausto dos Santos (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Monique Arrais Rodrigues (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Roberta Kelly Braga Fernandes Pedrosa (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Suzane Serrão da Cunha (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Renata Ribeiro Garcia (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Samuel Nogueira de Medeiros (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Tereza Monnerat Heidenfelder (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Vinicius Carlos Medeiros (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Francisco Paulo Lancellote Junior (DEE–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Marcos Antonio dos Santos Serrão (DEE–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Rodrigo Alves das Neves (DEE–Poli–CT–UFRJ)