CCS | Aulário
Extensão do Bl. J - atual Bl. N
This multi-disciplinary project aims to build a classroom building with long-term proposals for conservation of the environment and the economy of public resources. The origin of this proposal is linked to an institutional development project supported by a transdisciplinary research project resulting from the natural convergence of scientific and technological expertise consolidated in several units of the Health Sciences Center. This unique design is the physical infrastructure for building classrooms totaling approximately 8300m2, forming part of an institutional development policy of the Health Sciences Center of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with the establishment facilities to be used for research, technological development, undergraduate and graduate education and extension, as well as related areas of activity of the units concerned, all related to the health sciences. The feasibility of this project led to a collaboration with different Units of UFRJ, with the generation of a more ambitious project, which won a pedagogical and didactic aspects by the vinculation of end of studies subjects of these Units. The engagement of teachers and students in these Units in the design and details of the architectural design thus opens up an unprecedented ability to communicate with their professional practice, not through simulation, but through active participation at all stages of the project.
One of the most striking aspects of the project is the radical search for a commitment to environmental conservation. This establishes a proposal to build a public building dedicated not only the comfort of its direct users, but committed to the preservation of natural resources. The uniqueness of the architectural design marked by this result regarding the conservation of nature and the economy of public funds, its multi-institutional trait, the creation of a truly academic dynamic, associated with the participation of students, form an experience which should extend beyond the borders of the UFRJ. We intend to add an extension component to this initiative in order to reveal key aspects of the project that can contribute to solving the issues that are on the agenda of our population's concerns such as environmental issues.
Architectural project: topographic survey, prospecting, landscaping, visual programming, product design, sanitary installations, electrical installations, treatment of liquid and gaseous chemical effluents, new materials, use of rainwater, detailed project and work supervision.
- Project Year: 05/2007 a 12/2013
- Client: Centro de Ciências da Saúde – UFRJ
- Project Category: New Constructions / Renovation / External Spaces/ Furniture / Visual communication
- Supervisors: Patricia Figueira Lassance dos Santos Abreu (DPUR-FAU-CLA-UFRJ), Guilherme Carlos Lassance dos Santos Abreu (DPA–FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Alexandre Landesmann (DE–FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Celso Pereira Guimarães (PV–EBA–CLA–UFRJ), Elaine Garrido Vazquez (DCC–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Virgínia Maria Nogueira de Vasconcellos (CP–BAU–EBA–CLA–UFRJ), Eng. Justino Sansón Wanderley da Nóbrega (CPST–UFRJ), arq. Ivan Ferreira Carmo (PU–UFRJ), Eng. Sérgio Rodrigues Siqueira (PU–UFRJ), arq. João Pereira de Castro (EPLAN–UFRJ), Marcus Vinícius de Araujo Fonseca (IQ–UFRJ), Júlio Carlos Afonso (IQ–UFRJ), Virgílio Noronha Ribeiro da Cruz (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Eduardo Pacheco Jordão (DRHIMA–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Celso Esteves Formoso (NCE–UFRJ), Joancarlo Paulucci Dias (Reitoria–UFRJ), arq. Eliane Gomes Pereira (UFRJ), Élen Beatriz Acordi Vasques Pacheco (IMA–CT–UFRJ), Verônica Maria de Araujo Calado (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Cheila Gonçalves Mothé (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Jules Ghislain Slama (DEM-CT-UFRJ)
- Students: Jonas Batista de Oliveira Brito (DRHIMA–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Ana Carolina Gomes da SIlva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Alexei Sampaio Sieczko (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Ana Beatriz Alves Rocha Peixoto (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Anderson Damasceno Rodrigues (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Bárbara Jovem Seixas (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Bernardo Cinelli de Freitas Abrantes e Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Brunna Wopereis (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Bruno Schnellrath (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Cauê Costa Capillé (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Cíntia Silva de Brito (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Diego Santiago Emmerick (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Diogo de Souza Fernandes Gonçalves (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Fernanda Carvalho Ferreira (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Gabriela Hufnagel Felix de Oliveira (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Laís de Andrade Costelha (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Lis Dourado Pamplona (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Luana Araújo Fernandes (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Lucas Ramos de Carvalho Dias (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Marcos Douglas da Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Mariana do Amaral de Oliveira (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Mariana Medeiros Penna (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Mateus Alves Ladeira (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Monique Arrais Rodrigues (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Natalia Lopes González (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Newton Silva da Costa (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Nísio de Carvalho Lobo Brum (DEM–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Renato dos Santos da Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Rodrigo Nunes Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Samuel Nogueira de Medeiros (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Suzane Serrão da Cunha (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Tainá Galdino da Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Thiago Fernandes de Almeida (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Thomas Ribeiro dos Anjos (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Vinicius de Castro Avila (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Vitor Correia Nunes (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Patrícia Coutinho Queiroz (CI–BAU–EBA–CLA–UFRJ), Rosangela Vieira Cruz (CI–BAU–EBA–CLA–UFRJ), Bianca Morcillo De Floriani Pozza (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Christiane Reis Lourenço de Moraes (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Myrlla Galdino Rodrigues Silva Santos (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Iara Conceição de Miranda (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Michelle Beinisch (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Gabriel Tenenbaum de Oliveira (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Karolina Papera Valente (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Thiago de Moraes Moutinho (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Arthur da Costa André (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Amanda Lima de Mello (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Raslan Oliveira Ribeiro (DEM-Poli-UFRJ), Janeita Tashieann Reid (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Tamara Carvalho Freire (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Leonardo Franklin Fornelos (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Lidia Diniz Martins (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Fabio Pumar Moro (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Hebert Maforte Braga Teixeira Ferreira (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Carlos Eduardo Holmes Chads (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Jorge Luiz Alves Junior (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Rafael Osório Dominices Baía (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Tiago Bitarelli Gomes (DEL–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Rodrigo Emanoel de Britto Andrade Barros (DEL–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Luiz Felipe de Oliveira Soares (DEE–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Marcos Antonio dos Santos Serrão (DEE–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Rodrigo Alves das Neves (DEE–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Gustavo Vieira de Carvalho (DCC–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Lais Amaral Alves (DCC–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Paula Tereza Lima Rocha (IQ–CCMN–UFRJ–UFRJ), Carolina dos Santos Ramos Ladeira (ECO–CFCH–UFRJ), Igor Waltz Rangel Messias Pinheiro (ECO–CFCH–UFRJ). Camila Moreira Gomes (ECO–CFCH–UFRJ)