Complete project for the Ambulatory of Specialties of the Institute of Pedagogy and Pediatrics Martagão Gesteira of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPPMG-CCS-UFRJ).
The problem addressed by the student is to create a new layout for the Ambulatory of Specialties of the Institute of Child Care and Pediatrics Martagão Gesteira of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPPMG-CCS-UFRJ) and the bathrooms of this outpatient clinic. The job is to analyze the situation and propose solutions accompanied by a budget. Three (03) steps are defined: problem analysis, in situ survey, presentation of solutions with budget.
- Project Year: 04/2007 a 10/2007
- Client: CCS/IPPMG
- Project Category: Renovation
- Supervisors: Patricia Figueira Lassance dos Santos (DPUR–FAU–CLA–UFRJ)
- Students: Bernardo Cinelli de Freitas Abrantes e Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Luisi Bilbao Souto (CI–BAU–EBA–CLA–UFRJ)