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Partial use of additional space in an existing building located in the Botafogo district, Rio de Janeiro, to create a cultural center of Furnas / Eletrobrás.

The project includes a theater, a library, a café and an exhibition gallery, as well as the redevelopment of an adjacent public space. The theater and its back occupy a closed volume suspended above the access areas and the library. The exhibition gallery is partly preserved from the existing shed in the ground. A vertical distribution area created from the partial demolition of the existing hangar articulates the different parts of the program.

- Project Year: 01/2012 a 03/2012

- Client: Furnas/ Eletrobrás

- Project Category: Reformas / Urbanismo / Comunicação Visual

- Supervisors: Guilherme Carlos Lassance dos Santos Abreu (DPA–FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Cristó​​vão Fernandes Duarte (DPA–FAU–CLA–UFRJ)

- Students: Lucas Ramos ​de Carvalho Dias (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Roberta Kelly Braga Fernandes Pedrosa (FAU–CLA–UFRJ)

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