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Offices for departments of the School of Physical Education and Sports (EEFD-CCS-UFRJ).

This multidisciplinary project aims to create offices for teachers of the Academic Departments of the School of Physical Education and Sports (EEFD) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The origin of this proposal is related to the need for the creation of space for the new faculty and office rooms for the direction of the EEFD. The project counts with the new layout and reform for the space of about 52m2 that must host three (03) rooms for teachers. The project involves more than three rooms (03) for teachers, a meeting room with a coupled kitchen and reception with waiting area.

- Project Year:  04/2008 a 10/2011

- Client: EEFD

- Project Category : Renovation / Furniture / Visual communication

-Supervisors :Patricia Figueira Lassance dos Santos Abreu​ 

- Students :  Renato dos Santos da Silva (FAU-CLA-UFRJ), Patrícia Coutinho Queiroz (BAU-EBA-CLA-UFRJ), Rosangela Vieira Cruz (BAU-EBA-CLA-UFRJ).

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