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New headquarters of the Biology Institute from UFRJ.

This multidisciplinary project aims the reform and construction of new facilities from Biology Institute in UFRJ with proposes for the preservation of environmental and economy of public resources in long-term . The origin of this proposal is linked to a project from Institucional development supported by an transdisciplinary research project resulting from natural convergence of the scientific tecnological competences consolidated into several units from healthy science center. This original project made reference for the physical infrastructure for the construction for thematic areas laboratory, making part into a policy of Institucional development from Healthy Science Center in UFRJ, with the establishment of facilities to be used as a research activities, technological development, undergraduate and postgraduate and extension, linked to the areas of operation of the units involved, all linked to health science. The feasibility of this project led to the colaboration with several units at UFRJ, generating a more ambiticious Project, which won a didactic-pedagogical aspects by linking the disciplines from the graduation of these units, engaging teachers and students in this units in drafting and detailing of the architectural project, thus opening up an unprecedented possibility of contact with professional practice, not through a simulation but through an active participation in all steps for a breath project.

One of the most remarkable aspects is the radical search of a commitment with the environmental coonservation. Thus sets a proposal of constrution  of a public building attached to a preliminary studies, pre-project, project implementary and detailing related to an architectural project of offices for the rooms of the departments from EEFD. It´s a project that involves several students from UFRJ, concerned not only with the comfort of the direct users, but also commited with the preservation of natural resources. The natural character of the architectural design resulting marked for the concern with natural environment and with the economy of public resources, the multi-institutional trace, generating a truly dinamic university, associated to an active participation and creator of graduation students, form an unique experience which might be extended beyond the frontiers of UFRJ. We intend to add to this iniciative one slope of extension, in order to disseminate the main aspects of the project that can contribute for the confrontation of questions that are in the ordem of the concern days of our population as the ambiental issue. Entire architectural project: Topographic survey, probe, landscaping, visual programming, product project, hydraulic, eletric, sewer, treatment of chemical liquid and gaseous effluents, new material, use of rainwater, re-use of gray and black water. Building using the green seal.

- Project Year: ​ 06/2008 a 02/2014

- Client:  CCS/IB

-Project Category :  New Constructions / External Spaces / Urbanism / Furniture/ Visual communication

- Supervisors : Guilherme Carlos Lassance dos Santos Abreu (DPA–FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Rafael Tavares de Albuquerque (DTC-FAU-UFRJ), Virgílio Noronha Ribeiro da Cruz (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Pedro Engel Penter (DARF–FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Elaine Garrido Vazquez (DCC–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Luis Guilherme Barbosa Rolim (DEE–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Patricia Figueira Lassance dos Santos Abreu (DPUR–FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Paulo Renato Diniz Junqueira Barbosa (DRHIMA–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Joancarlo Paulucci Dias (Reitoria–UFRJ), eng. Justino Sansón Wanderley da Nóbrega (CPST–UFRJ), Verônica Maria de Araujo Calado (DEQ–EQ–CT–UFRJ)

- Students : Alexei Sampaio Sieczko (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), André Seixas da Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Bernardo Cinelli de Freitas Abrantes e Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Bruno Schnellrath (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Brunna Wopereis (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Diego Marques dos Santos Ramos (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Diogo de Souza Fernandes Gonçalves (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Juan Diego de Oliveira Teixeira (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Hebert Maforte Braga Teixeira Ferreira (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Lais Amaral Alves (DCC–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Laís de Andrade Costelha (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Larissa Grayce Gomes Valois (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Lis Dourado Pamplona (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Luana Araújo Fernandes (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Lucas Ramos de Carvalho Dias (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Mariana Medeiros Penna (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Mariana Odebrecht Gentil (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Monique Arrais Rodrigues (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Newton Silva da Costa (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Priscila Moreno Bellas (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Raquel Travincas Pinto (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Renato dos Santos da Silva (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Roberta Kelly Braga Fernandes Pedrosa (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Rodrigo d'Avila Lyra Almeida (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Rodrigo Emanoel de Britto Andrade Barros (DEL–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Samuel Nogueira de Medeiros (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Tayanne Ferreira Telles (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Tereza Monnerat Heidenfelder (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Thiago Fernandes de Almeida (FAU–CLA–UFRJ), Verônica Maciel Abdon de Oliveira (EQ–CT–UFRJ), Janeita Tashieann Reid (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Tamara Carvalho Freire (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Leonardo Franklin Fornelos (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Lidia Diniz Martins (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Fabio Pumar Moro (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Hebert Maforte Braga Teixeira Ferreira (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Carlos Eduardo Holmes Chads (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Jorge Luiz Alves Junior (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ), Rafael Osório Dominices Baía (DET–Poli–CT–UFRJ)

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